The 10th Anniversary of The Annual International Meeting of Respiratory Care Indonesia (RESPINA)

The 10th Anniversary of The Annual International Meeting of Respiratory Care Indonesia (RESPINA )

Workshops & Symposium RESPINA 2008

Nusa Dua Bali, 7-9 Agustus 2008

Ten Mayor Topics in 4 Days Congress of The 10th Anniversary of RESPINA :
1. Respiratory critical care
2. Evidence base in respiratory care
3. Biomolecular in respiratory medicine
4. Clinical practice in respiratory medicine
5. Preventive medicine in respiratory care
6. The challenging problems in respiratory medicine
7. The \'How I do it\' in respiratory care
8. Decision making in respiratory care
9. Respiratory care in systemic diseases
10. Respiratory problems and diseases : Where are We now and where to go.

Tanggal 7-9 August 2008
Tempat Nusa Dua Bali
Pelaksana RESPINA
Contact Person Secretariat Persahabatan Hospital
Telepon 021-47864646
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